New Zealand Rheumatic Fever FHIR Implementation Guide
0.4.8 - draft

New Zealand Rheumatic Fever FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.4.8) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

: SecondaryProphylaxisAugustEncounterBundle - JSON Representation

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  "resourceType" : "Bundle",
  "meta" : {
    "versionId" : "2",
    "lastUpdated" : "2024-08-07T08:31:00Z",
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  "entry" : [
      "fullUrl" : "",
      "resource" : {
        "resourceType" : "Encounter",
        "id" : "1001",
        "meta" : {
          "lastUpdated" : "2024-08-07T08:31:00Z",
          "profile" : [
            🔗 ""
          "tag" : [
              "system" : "",
              "code" : "rf-nz",
              "display" : "rheumatic fever"
        "contained" : [
            "resourceType" : "Location",
            "id" : "RedDiamondWhangarei",
            "meta" : {
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            "type" : [
                "coding" : [
                    "system" : "",
                    "code" : "PC"
        "status" : "finished",
        "class" : {
          "system" : "",
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          "display" : "ambulatory"
        "type" : [
            "coding" : [
                "system" : "",
                "code" : "58718002",
                "display" : "Rheumatic fever (disorder)"
        "serviceType" : {
          "coding" : [
              "system" : "",
              "code" : "360271000",
              "display" : "Prophylaxis - procedure intent (qualifier value)"
        "subject" : {
          "type" : "Patient",
          "identifier" : {
            "use" : "official",
            "system" : "",
            "value" : "ZKC7284"
          "display" : "Sage Westbrook"
        "participant" : [
            "individual" : {
              "type" : "Practitioner",
              "identifier" : {
                "use" : "official",
                "system" : "",
                "value" : "98ZZQJ"
              "display" : "Isabel Injecta"
            "individual" : {
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              "identifier" : {
                "use" : "official",
                "system" : "",
                "value" : "ZKC7284"
              "display" : "Sage Westbrook"
        "appointment" : [
            🔗 "reference" : "Appointment/SecondaryProphylaxisAppointment-August-Fulfilled"
        "period" : {
          "start" : "2023-08-08T02:10:00Z",
          "end" : "2023-08-08T03:15:00Z"
        "location" : [
            "location" : {
              "reference" : "#RedDiamondWhangarei"
        "serviceProvider" : {
          "type" : "Organization",
          "identifier" : {
            "use" : "official",
            "system" : "",
            "value" : "GZZ866-A"
          "display" : "Red Diamond Medical Limited"
      "request" : {
        "method" : "POST",
        "url" : "Encounter"
      "fullUrl" : "",
      "resource" : {
        "resourceType" : "MedicationStatement",
        "id" : "1002",
        "meta" : {
          "lastUpdated" : "2024-08-07T08:31:00Z",
          "tag" : [
              "system" : "",
              "code" : "rf-nz",
              "display" : "rheumatic fever"
        "contained" : [
            "resourceType" : "MedicationStatement",
            "id" : "contained-Lignocaine-dose",
            "partOf" : [
                🔗 "reference" : "MedicationStatement/MedicationStatement-August"
            "status" : "completed",
            "medicationCodeableConcept" : {
              "coding" : [
                  "system" : "",
                  "code" : "10747581000116100",
                  "display" : "lidocaine hydrochloride anhydrous 1% (20 mg/2 mL) injection, ampoule"
            "subject" : {
              "type" : "Patient",
              "identifier" : {
                "use" : "official",
                "system" : "",
                "value" : "ZKC7284"
              "display" : "Sage Westbrook"
            "dosage" : [
                "doseAndRate" : [
                    "doseQuantity" : {
                      "value" : 0.25,
                      "unit" : "ml",
                      "system" : "",
                      "code" : "ml"
        "basedOn" : [
            🔗 "reference" : "MedicationRequest/PlannedBenzathineMedication"
        "partOf" : [
            "reference" : "#contained-Lignocaine-dose"
        "status" : "completed",
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          "coding" : [
              "system" : "",
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              "display" : "Rheumatic fever (disorder)"
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          "display" : "Sage Westbrook"
        "context" : {
          "reference" : ""
        "effectiveDateTime" : "2023-08-08T03:15:00Z",
        "dateAsserted" : "2023-08-18T03:15:00Z",
        "dosage" : [
            "site" : {
              "coding" : [
                  "system" : "",
                  "code" : "299151000210101",
                  "display" : "Structure of left ventrogluteal region (body structure)"
            "route" : {
              "coding" : [
                  "system" : "",
                  "code" : "78421000",
                  "display" : "Intramuscular route (qualifier value)"
            "doseAndRate" : [
                "doseQuantity" : {
                  "value" : 25,
                  "unit" : "mg",
                  "system" : "",
                  "code" : "mg"
      "request" : {
        "method" : "POST",
        "url" : "MedicationStatement"
      "fullUrl" : "",
      "resource" : {
        "resourceType" : "QuestionnaireResponse",
        "id" : "1003",
        "meta" : {
          "lastUpdated" : "2024-08-07T08:31:00Z",
          "profile" : [
            🔗 ""
          "tag" : [
              "system" : "",
              "code" : "rf-nz",
              "display" : "rheumatic fever"
        "basedOn" : [
            🔗 "reference" : "CarePlan/AllAppointmentsCompleted"
        "questionnaire" : "",
        "status" : "completed",
        "subject" : {
          "type" : "Patient",
          "identifier" : {
            "use" : "official",
            "system" : "",
            "value" : "ZKC7284"
          "display" : "Sage Westbrook"
        "encounter" : {
          "reference" : ""
        "authored" : "2023-08-08T01:08:00.504Z",
        "author" : {
          "type" : "Organization",
          "identifier" : {
            "use" : "official",
            "system" : "",
            "value" : "G0M086-B"
          "display" : "Te Tai Tokerau Rheumatic Fever Secondary Prevention Service"
        "item" : [
            "linkId" : "ReasonsInjectionOverdue",
            "text" : "Reason(s) injection was give late? (multiple choice)",
            "answer" : [
                "valueString" : "Patient Not Available on the Day"
                "valueString" : "Other"
            "linkId" : "OverdueInjectionOtherDetail",
            "text" : "Other details for late injection (enter text)",
            "answer" : [
                "valueString" : "The patient couldn't find a park for the classic Hilux."
            "linkId" : "OtherPainManagementToolsUsed",
            "text" : "Pain management tools used? (multiple choice)",
            "answer" : [
                "valueString" : "Ice pack"
                "valueString" : "Numbing spray"
                "valueString" : "Distraction"
                "valueString" : "Other"
            "linkId" : "PainManagementOtherDetails",
            "text" : "Details of other pain management (enter text)",
            "answer" : [
                "valueString" : "We discovered in this appointment that Chocolate Chip Cookie ice cream helps a lot!"
            "linkId" : "PostInjectionConcern",
            "text" : "Post injection concern or possible reaction identified?",
            "answer" : [
                "valueBoolean" : true
            "linkId" : "PostInjectionConcernDetails",
            "text" : "If Yes, Record Details, Symptoms, Actions Taken and Follow-Up Plan (enter text)",
            "answer" : [
                "valueString" : "Sage had a bit more than the usual sensitivity at the injection site so we dished out extra ice cream, which was nice."
            "linkId" : "AnyOtherConcerns",
            "text" : "Were There Any Other Concerns or Issues Identified During the Visit?",
            "answer" : [
                "valueBoolean" : true
            "linkId" : "OtherConcernsDetail",
            "text" : "If yes, describe details, actions taken, and follow-up planned (enter text)",
            "answer" : [
                "valueString" : "A shortage of ice cream in our freezer led to some unnecessary worries for Sage."
            "linkId" : "HealthEducationTopicsDiscussed",
            "text" : "Health education topics discussed? (multiple choice)",
            "answer" : [
                "valueString" : "Secondary prophylaxis"
                "valueString" : "Nutrition"
                "valueString" : "Other"
            "linkId" : "HealthEducationOtherDetail",
            "text" : "Enter details of other health education topic discussed (enter text)",
            "answer" : [
                "valueString" : "Sage and I discussed the importance of punctuality and the benefits of planning ahead."
            "linkId" : "RecentOrUpcomingAppointments",
            "text" : "Any recent or upcoming follow-up appointments?",
            "answer" : [
                "valueBoolean" : true
            "linkId" : "RecentOrUpcomingAppointmentsDetails",
            "text" : "Enter details and dates of any recent or upcoming follow-up appointments (enter text)",
            "answer" : [
                "valueString" : "Sage has an upcoming follow-up appointment covering iOS calendar basics"
            "linkId" : "PlanForNextMedicationAppointment",
            "text" : "Comments for the next appointment (enter text)",
            "answer" : [
                "valueString" : "The plan for the next medication appointment is to keep up the good work"
      "request" : {
        "method" : "POST",
        "url" : "QuestionnaireResponse"