New Zealand Rheumatic Fever FHIR Implementation Guide
0.4.8 - draft

New Zealand Rheumatic Fever FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.4.8) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Questionnaire: Oral Secondary Prophylaxis Health Assessment Questionnaire

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Draft as of 2024-06-17 Computable Name: OralSecondaryProphylaxisHealthAssessmentQuestionnaire
Other Identifiers: OralSecondaryProphylaxisHealthAssessmentQuestionnaire (use: official, period: 6/17/24 --> (ongoing))

Gathers information about patient health at an oral secondary prophylaxis medication appointment

Gathers information about patient health at an appointemnt for oral secondary prophylaxis medication

Generated Narrative: Questionnaire OralSecondaryProphylaxisHealthAssessmentQuestionnaire

LinkIDTextCardinalityTypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. OralSecondaryProphylaxisHealthAssessmentQuestionnaireGathers information about patient health at an oral secondary prophylaxis medication appointmentQuestionnaire
... page1page1. Please complete this questionnaire at the oral secondary prophylaxis appointment to assess a rheumatic fever patient's health.0..1display
... MedicationIssues1. Has the patient had any issues taking their medications?1..1boolean
... DelaysObtainingMedication2). Were there delays in obtaining medications that interrupted the patient’s treatment?1..1boolean
... SufficientMedication3). Does the patient have enough medication to last until their next check-in?1..1boolean
... PlanForObtainingMedications4). Plan for obtaining medications to last until next check-in (enter text)1..1text
... AnyOtherConcerns5). Were There Any Other Concerns or Issues Identified During the Visit?1..1booleanInitial Value: boolean = false
... OtherConcernsDetail5.1). If yes, describe details, actions taken, and follow-up planned (enter text)1..1textEnable When: AnyOtherConcerns =
... HealthEducationTopicsDiscussed6). Health education topics discussed? (multiple choice)1..*choiceOptions: 10 options
... HealthEducationOtherDetail6.1). Enter details of other health education topic discussed (enter text)1..1textEnable When: HealthEducationTopicsDiscussed =
... RecentOrUpcomingAppointments7). Any recent or upcoming follow-up appointments?1..1boolean
... RecentOrUpcomingAppointmentsDetails7.1). Enter details and dates of any recent or upcoming follow-up appointments (enter text)1..1textEnable When: RecentOrUpcomingAppointments =
... PlanForNextMedicationAppointment8). Comments for the next appointment (enter text)1..1text

doco Documentation for this format

Options Sets

Answer options for HealthEducationTopicsDiscussed

  • Secondary prophylaxis
  • Sore Throat Management
  • Skin Infection Management
  • Dental Health
  • Endocarditis Prophylaxis
  • Nutrition
  • Physical Activity
  • Healthy Home Environments
  • Sexual Health
  • Other