Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API
0.4.0 - release New Zealand flag

Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API - Local Development build (v0.4.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Example QuestionnaireResponse: PregnancyAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaireResponse

Generated Narrative: QuestionnaireResponse PregnancyAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaireResponse

.. PregnancyAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaireResponseQuestionnaire:Pregnancy Assessment Survey
... p01Pregnancy Context
.... p01-q01-PregnancyStatusAre you currently pregnant or postpartum?[not stated] Pregnant: Pregnant
.... p01-q01-1-PregnancyStatus.GestationGestation30
.... p01-q01-2-PregnancyStatus.DeliveryDateExpected Delivery Date (EDD)2023-08-26
.... p01-q02-ParityPara2
.... p01-q03-GravidaGravida3
... p02Midwife Information
.... p02-q01-MidwifeNameMidwife NameLynn Smith
.... p02-q02-MidwifeContactMidwife Contact021Example
... p03Findings
.... p03-q01-UltrasoundUltrasound FindingsThere is a baby
.... p03-q02-BloodTestBlood TestsThere is blood
... p04Complications and Symptoms
.... p04-q01-CurrentComplicationsAny current pregnancy complications?false
.... p04-q02-ComplicationsPreviousAny previous pregnancy complications?false
.... p04-q03-PreEclampsiaAny signs of pre-eclampsia?true
.... p04-q03-1-PreEclampsia.DetailsPlease explain any symptoms suggestive of pre-eclampsia?There is pre-eclampsia
.... p04-q04-DVTAny signs suggestive of a DVT?true
.... p04-q04-1-DVT.DetailsPlease explain any symptoms suggestive of a DVTThere is a DVT
.... p04-q05-DysuriaAny signs of Dysuria?false
.... p04-q06-VaginalDischargeVaginal Discharge?false
... p05Obstetrician Notes
.... p05-q01-ObstetricianNotesObstetrician Details and Discussion, including any potential clexane requirement?Example of Obstetrician notes.
... p06Post 23 Week Information
.... p06-q01-FetalMovementAny baby movement felt?true
.... p06-q01-1-FetalMovement.DetailsAny details surrounding the baby movement?There is baby movement
.... p06-q02-VaginalBleedingAny vaginal bleeding?false
... p07General Practice Informationnull!
.... p07-q01-PracticeNameGP Practice NameExampleGP
.... p07-q02-PracticeEDIPractice EDIXXXXX
.... p07-q03-GPSendSend note to GP Inbox?true

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