New Zealand Rheumatic Fever FHIR Implementation Guide
0.4.8 - draft

New Zealand Rheumatic Fever FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.4.8) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Example QuestionnaireResponse: PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaireResponse

Generated Narrative: QuestionnaireResponse PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaireResponse

version: 2; Last updated: 2024-08-07 08:31:00+0000

Profile: QuestionnaireResponse

Tag: rheumatic fever (Details: NZ-specific terminology in rheumatic fever data representation code rf-nz = ' rheumatic fever ', stated as ' rheumatic fever ')

.. PatientWhanauGoalsPreferencesQuestionnaireResponseQuestionnaire:Patient & whanau goals and preferences questionnaire
... ImportantToMeWhat things that are important to me and my family that support my health and wellbeing? (enter text)I want to avoid getting rheumatic heart disease so I can take over from Dad running our adventure tourism company, when he wants to retire.
... WhanauInvolvementHow would I like my whanau and support persons to be involved? (enter text)I want my sisters to be with me at the injection appointments to support and distract me.
... BestWayToCommunicateThe best way to communicate with me is…? (choose one)text message
... AppointmentsContactI know who to contact about my appointments? (choose one)true
... PreferredAppointmentsLocationWhat location do I prefer to receive injected antibiotics at? (choose one)Home
... InjectionLocationDetailMore detail about this location (eg. at school during term time, but at home with Dad if out of term time)? (enter text)We have an emu on our property which can be quite aggressive on Wednesdays and Thursdays in summer and doesn't like Audis so watch out for that!
... ImportantDuringInjectionVisitsWhat things that are important to me during my injection visits eg. karakia, kaiawhina support? (enter text)I appreciate having chats with the district nurse at my appointments and I find this helps distract me from the injections
... InjectionVisitsNoNosWhat things don't work well for me during my injection visits? (enter text)I prefer not to know anything about the dose of medication in my injections. Also I don't like having the injection in the same part of my thigh on each appointment. It would be good if the nurse can mix it up a bit.
... MakingInjectionsComfortableWhat things do I like to have with my injections to make them more comfortable? (multiple choice)
... InjectionOtherComfortWhat other things make my injections more comfortable? (enter text)Ice cream always works well!
... MedsPreferredSupplyMethodI would prefer to get my oral antibiotic medicines from? (choose one)Other
... MedsSupplyOtherDetailIf other, enter detailsPlease can you supply my medications in two-month packs?
... EasierToGetToAppointmentsWhat things make it easier for me to get to hospital appointments? (multiple choice)Morning appointments
... HospitalAppointmentsImportantMore detail about the things that are important to me about hospital appointments (enter text)I would like my hospital injections in a room with a view of the mountains.
... HospitalAppointmentsNoNosThings that don't work well for me about hospital appointments (enter text)I prefer it if there are not heaps of trainee medics watching me get my injections.
... SupportGettingToHospitalAppointmentsDo I need support getting to and from hospital appointment? (choose one)No
... HospitalAppointmentsTransportSupportWhich transport support option do I need? (choose one)Other
... HospitalAppointmentsTransportOtherDetailWhat other details are there about getting to hospital appointments? (enter text)Please can I have a reserved park space to park Dad's '73 Hilux? This will help me get to my appointments on time.

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